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How can I put my book on AMAZON to be selled by?

I have a Book launched by a Publishing House that has some problems to reach certain countries markets and with a bad internet sale system; what I want to to is put my book available by AMAZON, but I don´t know why?

If you published through a LEGITIMATE house, then this shouldn't be an issue. Since it is obvious you didn't, you need to purchase an ISBN for the book. I'm not sure if that automatically makes it available on Amazon or not, you might have to submit the information to them. Then get busy writing press releases and contacting your local bookstores to get some publicity. If this sounds too daunting, try step two:

Step two is: write another novel, make sure it is good, find an agent, who will in turn find a good house for your novel, who in turn will handle publicity and get your book on Amazon.

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